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Connecticut Among First States to Enact 30-Month CPA Exam Testing Window

June 09, 2023

On April 21, 2023, in response to a record number of public comments on their exposure draft, the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) announced an amendment to the Uniform Accountancy Act Model Rules. The 18-month window a CPA Exam candidate has to pass all four parts of the CPA Exam was expanded to 30 months in order to address the CPA pipeline struggle. 

This change, however, had no immediate effect on individual state rules; each individual state board of accountancy would need to consider the amendment and, if they so chose, utilize the proper channels to change their individual state regulations.

Thanks to the work of the CTCPA advocacy team, the State Board of Accountancy, the Department of Consumer Protection, and some dedicated members, CTCPA secured the passage of HB 6774, AN ACT CONCERNING POSTSECONDARY EDUCATION  just minutes before the close of the 2023 General Assembly session! 

Thankfully, we had two specific legislators who were ready to help: State Representative Jill Barry and Senator Derek Slap. These legislators rose to the challenge and pushed this bill through in the very end of the session, sparing us the long regulatory process. 

This huge legislative victory placed Connecticut among the first states to enact the 30-month testing window recommended by NASBA; the legislation, which is currently awaiting action from the governor, applies to individuals who apply to take the examination on or after October 1, 2023.