CTCPA Interview Day
Join us for Interview Day 2023!
Friday, September 29 • 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. • Virtual

Filling the pipeline: Interview Day 2022 was our biggest event yet!
The CTCPA hosts Interview Day each fall, bringing top accounting students together with hiring companies for a day of interviews. Interview Day 2022 was our biggest event yet, with 28 companies interviewing 48 students for a total of 225 individual interviews in one day. Thank you to all who participated!
2022 Hiring Companies:
Accounting Resources Inc.
Adams Samartino & Co., P.C.
Austin & Macione CPAs LLC
Bailey, Moore, Glazer, Schaefer & Proto, LLP
Beers, Hamerman, Cohen & Burger, P.C.
Bregman & Company, P.C.
CironeFriedberg, LLP
CliftonLarsenAllen (CLA)
Concierge Tax Services, LLC
Courtney, Fink & Forbes, LLP
Crowe LLP
Fiondella, Milone, & LaSaracina LLP
Goldblatt Bokoff LLC
Grenier Lender Tax & Accounting
Harper & Whitfield, P.C.
Henry, Raymond & Thompson, LLC
Massucci & Associates
PKF O'Connor Davies
Pue, Chick, Leibowitz & Blezard, LLC
Reynolds + Rowella LLP
T.M. Byxbee Company, P.C.
Teplitzky & Company, P.C.
The Innovative CPA Group, LLC
Whittlesey PC