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Professional Development and Event Catalog

Showing 5432 Partner Webinars Results

Understanding and Preventing Budget Calamities

Thursday, May 29
 11:00am - 12:49pm


2.00 Credits

Member Price: $79

The budgeting process can be a time consuming and frustrating process for accountants.  The constraints and pressures can lead to poor decisions in both the technical and human components.  This session will cover: Understanding and Preventing Budget Calamities •    Most of us lead or participate in the budget process at least annually.  Inherent flaws exist in the standard budget building process that you can solved by recognizing them and committing to solutions.  

Progressive Management Accounting

Thursday, May 29
 11:00am - 12:50pm


2.00 Credits

Member Price: $79

Critics have claimed that traditional managerial accounting is at best useless and at worst dysfunctional and misleading. Most line managers do not trust their management accounting data. 21st Century management accounting develops cost/unit metrics that are useful for budgeting, cost analysis and control. Activity-based costing (ABC) brings truly accurate fact-based costing visibility. ABC does not broadly allocate overhead, but traces costs by identifying cause-and-effect relationships. Such information can provide the ability to reveal true profit margins for products, service-lines, specific sales channels and customers. The same information also helps reduce costs and improve productivity by reporting unit costs that you can use to monitor cost trends and benchmark against your competition. Removing the barriers caused by your current management accounting techniques can provide huge rewards.

Business Intelligence (BI) and Business Analytics (BA)

Thursday, May 29
 11:00am - 12:52pm


2.00 Credits

Member Price: $79

Volatility and complexity are the new normal. Most organizations are drowning in data, but starving for information. The finance and accounting function has the opportunity to leverage Big Data and the continuum of analytics – descriptive, diagnostic, predictive, and prescriptive. All are useful for better decision making. Collecting, validating, and reporting data is not the same thing as analyzing information where we can glean valuable, actionable insights. In some ways the finance function is many years behind other disciplines such as marketing, sales, and supply chain managers, in applying analytics. How can the CFO’s function catch up?

DEI From the Inside Out: Part 1

Thursday, May 29
 11:00am - 1:52pm


3.00 Credits

Member Price: $99

In this session, participants will delve into a comprehensive exploration of what Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) truly entails. Often met with resistance due to its perceived condemnatory nature, this session aims to provide a more nuanced definition of DEI, fostering a better understanding among attendees. By demystifying the language surrounding DEI, participants will be equipped with straightforward approaches to seamlessly integrate these principles into their perspectives. This session will spotlight the distinctive features of our DEI model in comparison to other systems. Attendees will gain valuable insights into the model, understanding its unique perspective on achieving DEI success. At its core, our approach is grounded in the simple premise that we are all human beings sharing the common human experience. The goal is to convey to participants the importance of embracing DEI through this paradigm, effectively humanizing the DEI experience. One of the most remarkable DEI experiences unfolded during my son's 18th birthday celebration in our backyard. The event brought together individuals from diverse backgrounds, spanning various walks of life and races, who interacted in a profoundly humanistic manner— an encounter unlike any I had witnessed before. In this session, we will deconstruct this experience and draw parallels to its relevance in workplace dynamics.

Next Steps Series - Development: Moving From Employee to Manager to Leader

Thursday, May 29
 1:00pm - 2:05pm


1.00 Credits

Member Price: $75

First-time supervisors face unique challenges as they transition to management. They must supervise work with which they may be unfamiliar, and supervise employees with whom they had previously been co-workers or employees with greater seniority. They must understand the extent of responsibility and decision-making authority they have, finding ways to communicate expectations to their employees and making possibly unpopular decisions. Excellence in technical or financial skills does not automatically translate to excellence in leading and supervising others. This course will give new supervisors, managers, and leaders the skills and understanding needed to successfully navigate the transition.

Building Flexible Budgeting Models: Walking Through and Crunching The Numbers

Thursday, May 29
 1:00pm - 2:49pm


2.00 Credits

Member Price: $79

The budgeting process can be a time consuming and frustrating process for accountants.  The constraints and pressures can lead to poor decisions in both the technical and human components.  This session will cover: Building Flexible Budgeting Models: Walking Through and Crunching The Numbers •    We can all learn from others and improve our budgeting process by listening to our colleagues’ wisdom and experience.  This session takes a unique review of the fundamental budget issues faced by all and walks through a detailed modeling process intended to generate discussion and best practices to improve your organization’s financial planning. 

Inventory Accounting GAAP, Software and Recognizing Variances

Thursday, May 29
 1:00pm - 3:00pm


2.00 Credits

Member Price: $79

Many organizations struggle to keep budgets current in an ever-changing business climate.  Twenty-first century performance metrics focus on determining what budgets should be rather than what they were in the past.  Using performance metrics effectively reduces work, reduces politics, provides flexibility and substantially improves the performance management process.  This session will show you powerful techniques to drive your organization’s performance.

DEI From the Inside Out: Part 2

Thursday, May 29
 1:00pm - 3:47pm


3.00 Credits

Member Price: $99

In this session, we will underscore the significance of adopting a growth mindset, as conceptualized by Dr. Carol Dweck, as a cornerstone for achieving success in Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) initiatives. A common stumbling block in DEI efforts is the resistance to altering mindsets concerning the goals and objectives of DEI. Through interactive discussions, we will concentrate on dispelling fixed mindsets and cultivating an outlook of continuous growth in the realm of DEI. Achieving success in Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) requires a blend of motivation, synergy, and energy. This session aims to dissect the often-overlooked role of motivation in the DEI landscape, demonstrating how it serves as a catalyst for individuals and leaders to surmount obstacles and attain success. Our model disrupts the conventional discourse by placing motivation at the forefront of DEI considerations, emphasizing the importance of understanding the underlying purpose as the true north. The ultimate aim of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) is cultural integration. In the context of our 3M framework, the final "Memorization" component is strategically designed to imprint the necessity of prioritizing DEI and seamlessly weaving it into the organizational culture. This element is pivotal in fortifying our DEI endeavors.

Predictive Accounting: Driver-Based Budgeting and Rolling Financial Forecasts

Thursday, May 29
 3:00pm - 4:48pm


2.00 Credits

Member Price: $79

The annual budgeting process is often criticized as an accounting exercise that is obsolete soon after it is published, prone to gamesmanship, cumbersome, not volume sensitive, and disconnected from the organization's strategy and risk management processes. You can resolve these deficiencies using capacity-sensitive driver-based projections. Driver-based budgeting allows for quick scenario planning and far easier analysis of a growing organization whose future may look nothing like today. The driver-based budgets can be periodically refreshed to create rolling financial forecasts extending well beyond the fiscal year end. Learn how managerial accounting can become managerial economics.

Profitability Pricing: Boost Your Bottom Line

Thursday, May 29
 3:00pm - 5:00pm


2.00 Credits

Member Price: $79

Two seemingly similar products can have very different costs, yet many companies are completely oblivious to these differences causing them to lose money or competitive bids.  When companies compete, those with good information win the “gravy” contracts and those with bad information lose money on “dog” jobs.  Attend this session to gain insights on how to win bids for the best opportunities and give the money-losers to your competitors.  Achieve your target profitability in the process.  

Strategies for Guiding Clients Through Challenging Situations: Tax Insights

Thursday, May 29
 5:00pm - 12:44am


8.00 Credits

Member Price: $225

In this comprehensive course, practitioners gain a deep understanding of strategic planning considerations and potential hurdles encountered when clients face difficult circumstances. Delving into an array of scenarios often classified as "challenging," the course offers tax insights. From divorce and personal bankruptcy to intricate personal relationship matters, participants will equip themselves to adeptly guide clients through these challenging scenarios by understanding the tax implications.

Mastering The Three Pillars of Cybersecurity: Team and Compliance

Thursday, May 29
 7:00pm - 7:56pm


1.00 Credits

Member Price: $39

Are you looking to fortify your practice against the ever-growing threats in the digital landscape? Join us for the third installment of our exclusive webinar series, "Mastering Cybersecurity," brought to you by Practice Protect.  In today's digitally connected world, the need for comprehensive cybersecurity is paramount. With cyberattacks becoming more sophisticated, it's crucial to stay ahead of the curve in protecting your sensitive client data. This webinar series is designed to equip CPAs with the knowledge and tools needed to secure their practices and client information effectively.

Prioritizing Mental Health in the Post-COVID Workplace

Thursday, May 29
 7:00pm - 8:04pm


1.20 Credits

Member Price: $39

Over the last few years, mental health has become more of a mainstream issue. In fact, statistics indicate that approximately one in four adults experience a mental health condition.  Therefore, it is more important now than ever for organizations to make mental health and wellness a priority, given all the rapid changes leading to higher levels of stress and uncertainty in the post-COVID workplace.  The goal of this course is to outline the signs of mental health challenges in the workplace, such as changes in behavior, mood, or performance, while providing practical strategies for HR Professionals and Business Leaders to build and implement accommodations for a mentally healthy work environment.

GASB 96 -SBITA, GASB 94 P3, and GASB 87 Leases (Year 2)

Thursday, May 29
 7:00pm - 8:46pm


2.00 Credits

Member Price: $79

This is a 2 hour webcast that will focus on the similarities between all three of these GASB accounting standards that deal with contractual arrangements such as leases, Subscription-Based Information Technology Arrangements (SBITA) and P3s.  Compare and contrast these standards as you prepare for implementation this year of GASB 94 and GASB 96, and review the implementation efforts of Leases in Year 2. 

Avoiding Budget People Issues: Managing Budgeting's Soft Side

Thursday, May 29
 7:00pm - 8:50pm


2.00 Credits

Member Price: $79

The budgeting process can be a time consuming and frustrating process for accountants.  The constraints and pressures can lead to poor decisions in both the technical and human components.  This session will cover: Avoiding Budget People Issues:  Managing Budgeting’s Soft Side •    Financial plans have a technical component and human component.  We can resolve some of our budget issues by exploring the process’ human aspect.  This session includes a case study that measures an individual’s personality type and then explores how to use our strengths and weaknesses to create to a better plan.  

2023 Compliance Update on Arbitration Agreements, Severance Agreements, Confidentiality and Non-Disparagement Agreements

Friday, May 30
 9:00am - 10:02am


1.00 Credits

Member Price: $39

In the last year, our country has seen the passage of multiple federal laws impacting the enforceability to common employment documents. Several federal agencies have also issued opinions that could impact common employment documents. This presentation will review those new laws and opinions and discuss the potential impact they may have on arbitration agreements, severance agreements, confidentiality agreement, and non-disparagement agreements.  

The Ethics Hour: Deceit and the Whys Behind the Lies: Understanding Ethics

Friday, May 30
 10:00am - 10:57am


1.00 Credits

Member Price: $39

Our guidance on ethics comes from the AICPA and other groups, but it does not fully address the “why” behind ethics. Understanding what motivates people and understanding those people are key to both solving ethical dilemmas and workplace issues that can lead to greater job satisfaction and efficiency. To correct an issue, you need to delve into the root cause – the why?

Building Your Own Library of Anti-fraud and Continuous Monitoring Tests

Friday, May 30
 10:00am - 11:01am


1.00 Credits

Member Price: $39

In this course, participants will gain a broad understanding of the various anti-fraud preventive and detective tests available to practitioners and take initial steps in building their own library of tests unique to their business or industry risks. Specific discussions and examples will include vendor analysis to look for potentially improper payments around conflicts of interests, fake vendor schemes, bribery & corruption, sanctions and trade compliance, anomalous payments, segregation of duties, among other risk categories.  Participants will also explore tests around customers or distributors that include margin analysis, free goods, discounts and revenue recognition. Further, we will explore employee related test to mitigate travel & entertainment expense abuses. We will also point out various online and public resources for participants to start building their own library of tests to support both reactive investigations as well as proactive prevention and detection.

The Ethics Hour: The Single Best and Most Overlooked Source of Fraud

Friday, May 30
 10:00am - 11:06am


1.00 Credits

Member Price: $39

We encounter pressure from many varied sources every day. We will focus on one of the more overlooked areas where fraud can be found.  Employees respond to pressure, and sometime the pressure leads to unethical actions. Where should you look and what should you look for? Risk assessment is not something ‘nice to do’, but it is required for internal audits, external audits, and every leader. If you are in a leadership position, learn where to look?

A Better Way to Choose Your KPIs

Friday, May 30
 10:00am - 11:07am


1.00 Credits

Member Price: $39

Selecting the right KPIs for your organization can be complex and stressful. Rather than resorting to brainstorming and internet searches, there is a better way to discover the best KPIs for your organization - the ROKS method. In this session Bernie Smith, creator of the ROKS method, walks you through the first five steps of this powerful approach, using real-world stories to bring each step to life.