Registration FAQs

How do I register for a program?
The easiest and fastest way is to register is through our online catalog. Simply search for your course by course code, field of study, date, or type (livestream, webinar, or on-demand). Have questions about registering online? Please reach out to Lisa Bugryn at or Ashley Spring at, or call 860-258-4800 and press 1 for the professional development department.
I haven't gotten my course confirmation. How do I know if I'm registered?
Simply go to My Professional Development and log in to view your current registrations. Course confirmations will be sent via email. Your confirmation will verify all program details. If you have not received an email confirmation at least two business days prior to the program date, please contact us at 860-258-4800.
Is there an advantage to registering early?
Yes. Early registrations can help avoid cancellation of a livestream course due to low enrollment. Some courses also offer an Early Bird discount!
Which fee do I pay?
The member fee is extended to CTCPA members as well as members of any state CPA society. If you are not a member of any state CPA society, you must pay the nonmember fee.
What happens if I have to cancel?
Cancellation requests must be received seven days prior to the course date in order to receive a refund. Substitute registrants are allowed. Program cancellations will not be allowed once the eMaterials have been posted to the CTCPA website.
Is it possible to transfer to another program instead of canceling?
Yes. Transfers must be made at least one week prior to the program date to avoid any penalty; to transfer your registration, call 860-258-4800 and press 1 for the professional development department.
Can I transfer my registration to someone else if I can't attend?
Yes. Your registration can be transferred to another person if you are unable to participate in a program. Education credit hours will be given to the person who attends the program.
Is there a way I can get a credit summary of classes I have completed?
Absolutely! The My Professional Development hub puts everything you need for your professional development experience right at your fingertips: your current registrations, your credit transcript (which includes all CTCPA courses taken and can be modified to include any external courses), and any eMaterials available for your courses.