Member Enrichment Series: Effectively Transitioning to Medicare
We’re excited to introduce our Member Enrichment Series – a special lineup of free webinars created exclusively for you! This series is our way of saying thank you for being a valued part of our community while providing you with even more opportunities to learn, grow, and connect.
Take the mystery out of Medicare. Educate yourself and your clients. Everyone knows that it is important to consider Medicare at age 65 and again approaching retirement. But to know the rules the government has imposed is often confusing and overwhelming. This presentation will provide attendees with knowledge about the enrollment process and the timing, and how to choose a plan that’s right for their individual situation and health and budget. Finding the right Medicare plan requires careful consideration and a reliable independent resource. If clients are turning 65, retiring, or moving to a new address they need to know key dates and information about plans available in their state or county. Learn how to cover the critical areas of medical and dental expenses and what “other” marketed benefits are being offered by various insurance companies each year. This workshop will help you sort out the many options and plans that are available to Medicare eligible clients.
Learning objectives.
• How do I sign up for Medicare?
• How and when do I effectively transition at age 65 or retirement to Medicare?
• How to maximize your Medicare coverage.
• What you need to know before leaving a company group or retiree plan.
• The Medicare basics: It’s costs and Parts A, B, C, and D and the need for supplemental insurance.
• When can I defer Part B?
• How many days will Medicare allow for rehab?
• Should I review my doctors and medications during the Open Enrollment season.
• Why Medicare rules for COBRA and HSAs are important.
• Understand how the Income Adjustment (IRMAA) can dramatically increase the healthcare costs for higher income clients, and what options exist.
• Why there’s so much emphasis on prescription and dental costs.
• What the future changes are for Medicare.
Session Leader
Mark Brownstein is Director of Medicare for Emerald Medicare. Mark specializes in educating clients about Medicare and delivering comprehensive and competitive options and solutions. Mark has led educational workshops for more than 4,000 clients and trusted advisors and has provided Medicare solutions for more than 3,000 individuals, senior advisors, tax and financial professionals, medical office staff and veterans. A three-time president of his local Financial Planners Association (FPA), Mark has been recognized as an energetic leader who is both committed to the highest fiduciary standards and to building a team focused on exemplary customer service. Mark is an authoritative advisor who calmly guides clients through the hype and confusion of Medicare toward a solution tailored to their specific needs. He is also a Certified Senior Advisor.
You must register to attend.
Leader Bios
Mark Brownstein, Emerald Medicare
Mark Brownstein is the Director of Medicare for Emerald Medicare. As a “trusted” advisor for decades, Mark specializes in Medicare protection. He a fully licensed Medicare professional servicing 20 states. Mark is a 3-time President of his local Financial Planners Association (FPA) and received industry recognition as a highly energetic leader who is both committed to the highest fiduciary standards and to service quality. He is a passionate, independent, and dedicated provider of comprehensive and competitive Medicare solutions. As an advisor, Mark has built his career based on objective education to assist in implementing Medicare solutions to meet clients’ changing needs. Mark hosts 2 local monthly radio shows focusing on senior related topics. Mark has extensive experience working with individuals, veterans, medical offices and tax and financial professionals to implement Medicare solutions to meet clients’ changing needs. Mark has provided Medicare solutions for over 1,500 clients and conducted educational workshops for over 3,000 clients and trusted advisors. Mark is also a CSA (Certified Senior Advisor). As an elder advocate, he helps improve many facets of senior’s and their adult children’s lives by delivering practical strategies and solutions to help them better deal with the challenges of eldercare.
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